Apply a class to each consecutive element following the current one until reaching a child element with a

My goal is to apply a "bg-info" class using jQuery to all rows (tr) that come after odd rows with a child element of "test". The "bg-info" class should be removed when a row with a child element of "test" is encountered, and then re-applied when the next odd row with a child element of "test" is seen. Since the number of rows can vary, the solution cannot rely on a fixed count of rows. Despite many attempts, I have been unable to get this functionality working correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. See JSFiddle for details :)



        <div class="test">Test1</div>


.bg-info {
  background: grey;


$('tbody tr td .test:odd').parent().parent().addClass('bg-info');

Answer №1

If you're looking to target specific elements, the nextUntil method is a great tool.

You can easily differentiate between even and odd parents by adding classes and then apply styling to the desired elements using highlight.

Check out the demo here

.highlight {
  background: yellow;
<script src=""></script>
    <div class="test">Test1</div>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>
    <div class="test">Test2</div>
    <div class="test">Test3</div>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>
    <div class="test">Test4</div>
    <div class="test">Test5</div>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>
  <td>Do Not Highlight</td>

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