Attempting to trigger the timer to begin counting down upon accessing the webpage

Take a look at this example I put together in a fiddle:

I'm aiming to kickstart as soon as the page loads, while still providing the option to pause/resume. Is there a way to show the remaining time as '5 minutes' instead of '300 seconds', and have it count down in that manner rather than just displaying seconds?

<button class="start-pause">Start</button>
<h2 class="time-left"></h2>

var times = [];
var counter_interval;
var $time_left = $('.time-left');
var $button = $('.start-pause');

// timer length in seconds
var timer_length = 300;

$('body').on('click', '.start-pause', function() {

    // are we starting or stopping?
    var starting = times.length % 2 == 0;


    if (starting) {
        counter_interval = setInterval(function() {

            var time_left = Math.floor(timer_length - sum_elapsed());

            if (time_left < 1) {
                return finished();


        }, 100);
    } else {

var sum_elapsed = function() {
    sum = 0;
    for (var i=0; i<times.length; i++) {
        if (i % 2 == 1) {
            sum += (times[i] - times[i-1]);

        if (i == (times.length - 1)) {
            sum += ( - times[i]);
    // convert milliseconds to seconds
    return sum / 1000;

var finished = function() {
    $time_left.html("Time's Up");

Answer №1

Discover an excellent time management tool known as "moment." This powerful resource can be easily accessed either via npm or

With the ability to convert relative time into user-friendly, readable formats.

If you prefer a hands-on approach, simply utilize the modulus of seconds by 60 to determine minutes. By applying the modulus function, all essential information regarding hours and beyond can be extracted.

Answer №2

If you want to modify the code below, do the following:

Replace this line:



Also, include these two new functions:

function pad(num) {
    var str = "" + num;
    var pad = "00";
    return pad.substring(0, pad.length - str.length) + str;

function secToMinTxt(seconds) {
    var min = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
    var sec = seconds % 60;
    return pad(min) + ":" + pad(sec);

To see an example of this in action, check out this JSFiddle:

Answer №3

To correctly understand the question, consider utilizing the Math.round function with the current value of the time_left variable divided by 60.

let time_left = Math.round(Math.floor(total_time - elapsed_time()) / 60);

Check out the code on jsfiddle:

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