Blurring the background creates an "inset shadow" problem when transitioning


Strangely, when using Backdrop-filter: blur(Xpx); during a transition as shown below, unexpected "inset Shadows" mysteriously appear until the end of the transition.

Illustration of the Issue Using jsfiddle


  • Chrome Version: 83
  • OS: Windows 10


Any insights?
Thank you in advance.. (:

- [ Update 23/6/2020 ]:

Finally discovered a workaround for those who may require something specific. However, it does not address my issue regarding background elements [...]

- [ Update 1/7/2021 ]:

Issue resolved on Chrome Version: 91.0.4472.114

Answer №1


Hey there, what you're going through is not uncommon. This is how the backdrop-filter style rule functions based on W3C standards*. When combined with the transition style rule and no background, it results in the issue you are facing.

Solution and Coding Tips.

Before we delve into the solution, I must mention that I advise against using the backdrop-filter due to its limited support, as indicated by a reputable source*. Instead, consider utilizing the filter rule which enjoys broader support*

Now, let's address some coding errors and provides fixes for your problem:

background-image: url("");
background-position: center; 
background-repeat: no-repeat;


-webkit-transition: all 7s;
-moz-transition: all 7s;
-o-transition: all 7s;
transition: all 7s;


<!DOCTYPE html>

<button onclick="Clicked()">Blur Me (:</button>
function Clicked() {
  var el = document.getElementById('el');
  el.innerHTML = ":O";

<p id="el"></p>


To improve this code:

(function addBlurEffect() {

  const d = document;

  function getId(id) {
    return d.getElementById(id);

  let emptyParagaphTag = getId(`addTextTo`);
  let button = getId(`listeningToButton`);

  button.addEventListener(`click`, function stateClicked() {
      this.innerHTML = `:O`;

      // No overflows ;)
      button.removeEventListener(`click`, stateClicked);

// In my opinion, this Javascript code is much cleaner!
body {
  background-image: url("");
  background-position: center; 
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-color: yellow; /* This wouldn't work... since it wold be covered.. I don't understand what you want with that, other than getting blinded? */

#addTextTo {

  -webkit-transition: all 7s;
  -moz-transition: all 7s;
  -o-transition: all 7s;
  transition: all 7s;
  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); /* You forgot to add this! */

.changeState {
  filter: blur(7px); /* Much better! */
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">

<!-- HTML code is free to breath now, nothing to be clogged here. -->
<button id="listeningToButton">Click to Blur (:</button>
<p id="addTextTo"></p>


Final Thoughts.

I hope this information has been helpful in resolving your issue and clarifying any confusion. Feel free to ask questions regarding any aspect of the code.


(*) = Important Links!

W3C =>

CanIUse backdrop-filter (not recommended) =>

CanIUse filter (recommended) =>

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