What method is most effective for loading HTML content depending on the device being used?

Looking for the optimal method to load different div elements based on the device accessing my website without relying on user agent checks. As of now, I am utilizing CSS media queries to determine device specifications and display the appropriate div accordingly. However, both divs are being loaded regardless of the device, which is not ideal. Is there a way to only load the corresponding div?

In addition, resizing the desktop browser to match the dimensions of a mobile device should trigger the loading of the mobile div. Any suggestions on achieving this seamlessly?

Thank you for your input.

Answer №1

If you know how to work with JavaScript (and jQuery), you have the ability to dynamically load content based on the device's width. The general concept is illustrated below:


  <div id="content">
      <!-- content will be loaded here depending on the device's width -->


      This file is intended for small devices


      This file is designed for larger devices

JavaScript in index.html:

function loadcontent(){
   var BreakPoint = 480; // pixels

   if($(window).width() < BreakPoint){
       file = "phone.html";
       file = "pc.html";


$(window).resize(function () {

The code above presents a fundamental approach. For a smoother handling of window.resize events, additional functions need to be implemented. If you are interested in seeing that part of the code as well, I can update my response.

I hope this explanation has been helpful.

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