Having trouble adjusting the space between the footer and the bottom of the page

Looking to create a footer using multiple elements

The first element should be positioned at:

left: 944px;

top: 9749px;

The second element should be positioned at:

left: 715px;

top: 9819px;

The third element should be positioned at:

left: 718px;

top: 9852px;

The final, fourth element should be positioned at:

left: 705px;

top: 9999px;

bottom: 93px;

However, the final element seems to be stuck at the bottom of the page as if it has a "bottom: 0px" property. Any idea why this is happening?

(P.S. The height of the page/body has not been constrained in any way.)

Answer №1

To implement a footer, simply utilize the <footer> tag and embed a <div> element within it bearing similar attributes while styling accordingly.

.container-one {
  flex: 25%;
  display: flex;

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