What is the best way to customize the styles of a reusable component in Angular2?

I am working with a reusable component called "two-column-layout-wrapper" that has its styles defined in the main .css file. In another module, I need to use this component but customize the width of two classes. How can I override these styles?

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { Response } from '@angular/http';

selector: 'italik-managepackages',
styles: [` 
    :host { 
        display: flex;
template: `
    <div two-column-layout-wrapper>
        <div sidebar-component italik-managepackages-overview></div>
export class ManagePackagesComponent {


Answer №1

There are a few different approaches you can take.

One option is to assign a class or style to your component based on its parent element, and then utilize the /deep/ selector in the parent element's CSS for any inner elements that need to change. For instance:

.parent-appended-class /deep/ .child-element-class { ... }

Another alternative is to maintain the CSS within the child component by passing an attribute from the parent to the child. This enables the child to react accordingly by setting its own class based on the passed attribute using the @Input decorator. You can find more information about this approach here.

Answer №2

Is this the correct approach?

  template: `
    <child [style.color]="'blue'"></test-cmp>
export class ParentComponent {

  selector: 'child',
  template: `
    <h1>Child text should be blue</h1> 
  styles: [`
    :host{color: red; } 
export class ChildComponent {

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