Switch between light and dark mode on a webpage using HTML

I am looking to create a script using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS that can toggle between dark mode and night mode. Unfortunately, I am unsure of how to proceed with this task.



My goal is to have a button in line 22 that, when clicked, will change the stylesheet reference in line 14 from "/dist/css/skins/ralue-theme.min.css" to "/dist/css/skins/ralack-theme.min.css"

*By the way, I am using EJS

Answer №1

It is recommended to include an onclick event at line 22 and create a function such as switchMode in your JavaScript file.

To address this issue, consider utilizing add and delete classes.

Furthermore, for future reference, please use code snippets instead of sending photos in this format.

Answer №2

To change the link src, you can utilize the functions removeAttribute and setAttribute. Check out this example:


<!--Line 14 of HTML-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/css/skins/ralue-theme.min.css" id="link" />
<!--We have added an id="link" here-->

<!--Line 22 of html-->
<a id="nightMode" class="btn btn-night btn-default btn-block fa fa-moon-o" />


let nightButton = document.querySelector("#nightMode");
let styleSheet = document.querySelector("#link");

nightButton.addEventListener("click",() => {
styleSheet.setAttribute("src","dist/css/skins/ralack-theme. min. css") 

Refer to element.setAttribute documentation and element.removeAttribute documentation

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