Animation of scrolling in a horizontal layout

Currently, I am utilizing ng-repeat 1.4 to dynamically generate elements within a div that has polymer shadow classes and uses the 'layout horizontal' style, resulting in code similar to:

<div class='layout horizontal'>
     <div ng-repeat="elements in forms"></div>

Although new elements are rendered smoothly at the right side of the previous one with focus, there is an abrupt appearance which makes scrollbars appear suddenly without any transition, causing a slightly chaotic visual effect. I would like to implement a smooth scrollbar movement.

I have included a sketch depicting the current situation:

To address this issue, my thoughts are:

  1. Avoid sudden movement to the new element.
  2. Gradually move the scrollbar from its previous position to the new one.

Are you aware of any transitions in Angular or Polymer that could accomplish this? Any ideas on how to achieve this desired effect?

Answer №1

While I may not be familiar with angular and ng-repeat, it seems that the logical approach would be to handle it in a more traditional manner;

   width: 100%; /* or whatever width you prefer */
   overflow-x: scroll;

 /* clear floats for inner elements */
.horizontal:before{ clear: both; content: " " }
.horizontal:after{ clear: both; content: " " }

   float: left; /* align horizontally */
   width: 500px; /* or your preferred inside elements width */

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