What is the significance of the border classes having an overriding color property in Bootstrap?

When adding a border to my navigation menu, I initially thought using the Bootstrap .border class would be the best approach.

However, upon examining the code generated by this class, I noticed that it uses an !important declaration on the color property of the border within the .border class. Specifically, I was utilizing the .border-bottom class to apply a border to the bottom of my navigation.

Below is an example of the code produced when using the class:

.border-bottom {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #dee2e6!important;

This implies that if I wish to change the color of this border class, I must override the color value using another !important. This led me to question why this approach is used.

Should I stick with the .border class and override the color using another !important in a custom stylesheet? Or is the .border class not suitable for my desired outcome (for instance, I prefer a red border instead of the current white/grey shade)?

Answer №1

When it comes to utility/helper classes, using !important is considered acceptable. The creators of Bootstrap have made the deliberate choice to apply !important to all of the Bootstrap 4 Utility classes (source: GitHub).

As a result, the Border Color utility classes also utilize !important. These classes are structured in a way that ensures the !important declaration for color will take precedence (see Example).

If you wish to specify your own custom border color, you will indeed need to employ !important to ensure it is properly applied.

Answer №2

It seems like everything is in order, but if you want to modify that value, you may need to make adjustments in the variable sass file within the bootstrap framework.

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