When a user clicks on an image, I would like to dynamically resize it using a combination of PHP

Although I have a good understanding of CSS and HTML, my knowledge of Javascript is limited. I am looking to add an interactive element to my website where an image enlarges gradually when clicked and smoothly moves to the center of the screen in one continuous animation. While I prefer achieving this effect using just CSS, I am open to incorporating Javascript as well if necessary.

Answer №1

Before anything else, it's crucial to provide the code attempts you have made so far. :)

To achieve this task, css transform can be employed without requiring an animation.

You may alter the image transformation from:

transform: translate(0, 0) scale(1);


transform: translate(calc(100vw/2 - 50%), calc(100vh/2 - 50%)) scale(5);

Adjust the scaling or pace as per your requirement.

Here is a functional demo link

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