The mysterious height phenomenon when setting the width of a list item with jQuery

Consider a basic ul and li setup similar to this:

<div id="middle">

The ul is rendered as a table and the li as a table cell. To ensure stable width when font family changes, I'm using jQuery to adjust the width of the li elements after they're loaded into the DOM.

However, in Chrome, I'm encountering an unexpected height issue where the width of a exceeds what jQuery calculates by 10px or more.

To address these concerns, I need assistance with resolving them:

Please note that removing the code responsible for setting the width eliminates the phantom height.

Answer №1

Check out this CSS code snippet for the specified class

nav#mainNavigation a
cursor: pointer;
font-family: 'Verdana';
font-size: 11px;
font-weight: bold;
display: block;
padding: 3px 0px !important;


Answer №2

By incorporating 5px of left padding, 5px of right padding, and a 2px border width from your css code, you may enhance the appearance of your webpage. If you are having difficulty identifying which css effects are being applied, feel free to leave a comment below.

    nav#mainNavigation > div > ul > li > .relContainer > a {
padding: 7px 5px;

The <a> tag on your page will utilize this particular css style.

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