When scrolling, use the .scrollTop() function which includes a conditional statement that

As a newcomer to jQuery, I've been making progress but have hit a roadblock with this code:

    var $header = $('#header');
    var $st = $(this).scrollTop();

    if ($st < 250) {
        $header.height(300 - $st);
    } else {
        }, function (){


Although everything seems to be functioning correctly, with the 'header' scaling down on scroll and expanding and contracting on hover, I have encountered a bug. After scrolling down and returning to the top of the page, the header shrinks to .height(50) on hover, even though it is supposed to only happen when scrollTop() is greater than 250.

I have checked the value of scrollTop() to ensure accumulation is not an issue, and have tried various approaches without success. My goal is to eventually smooth out the hover effects with animations, but that's a task for another time.

Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If you're encountering an issue where the hover event listener remains active on the $header element even after scrolling back up, there are a couple of solutions available. One approach is to incorporate checks for scrollTop() in the hover methods to ensure they only trigger when necessary. Another option is to remove the hover listener altogether when scrolling back up.

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

See it in action

$(window).scroll(function () {
    var $header = $('#header');
    var $st = $(this).scrollTop();
    if ($st < 250) {
        $header.height(300 - $st);
        $header.off(); // remove all events from #header
    } else {
            mouseenter: function () {
            mouseleave: function () {

Check out the .on() documentation and .off() documentation for more information.

If you need to remove specific events, you can use .off() like this: $header.off('mouseleave');.

Answer №3

Together, you have both guided me in finding a solution to my initial question. Throughout the process, there were changes in the parameters which led to this final outcome.


    var $header = $('#header');
    var $st = $(this).scrollTop();
    var $headerS = 300 - $st;



        $(this).stop().animate({height:300}, 300);

        }, function (){

        $(this).stop().animate({height:$headerS}, 600);



In addition, I have specified a min-height of 50px for the #header element in the CSS file. This adjustment appears to be functioning correctly and offers an added advantage:

When $st is less than 250px, hovering over still expands the box to its full height before reducing back to align with the top of the article. Please refer to the demonstration here:


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