What is the sequence in which the browser handles CSS?

I have a specific class that is being styled in multiple places on my website. I am curious about the order in which the browser reads and applies these different styles. Can you explain this process to me?

  • Inline Style

    <div class="yellowtag" style="background: yellow;">This is yellow</div>
  • First CSS File

    // First instance inside of style.css
    .yellowtag {
        background: yellow;        
  • Second Instance in First CSS File

    // Second instance inside of style.css
    .yellowtag {
        background: yellow;        
  • Second CSS File (after the first .yellowtag rule)

    // style2.css
    .yellowtag {
        background: yellow;        
  • In the HTML Head

             .yellowtag {
                 background: yellow;        

Answer №1

The sequence in which the browser processes CSS is as follows:

1: Inline styles are processed first,

2: Then, styles from Style tags are applied,

3: Next in line are the styles defined in the 1st CSS file included in the HTML (Top to bottom order),

4: Followed by the styles in the 2nd CSS file specified in the HTML - and so forth-

If conflicting styles exist in all four sources, priority is given to the Inline style.

However, using !important when declaring a property can override these default rules.

Answer №2

When multiple elements have the same specificity (single class name, .yellowtag), the one that appears last in the source code will take precedence.

However, if there is an inline style style="background: yellow;", it will override other rules regardless of specificity.

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