What could be the reason for my MVC 5 ASP.Net application functioning perfectly on my local machine but encountering issues when deployed to Azure

Looking for some help with my first question here.

I've recently completed a small ASP.Net project focused on racing drivers and teams, which works well locally but encounters issues when deployed to Azure.

The first problem I've encountered is that the CSS doesn't load on the deployed version. The default pages - Home, About, and Contact - function correctly but lack styling. However, the custom pages I created from my models return an error page stating:

Error. An error occurred while processing your request.

These custom pages work fine in the local version of the project.

After researching online, I came across suggestions on Stackoverflow to set <customErrors mode="Off"/> for a more detailed error report. However, I couldn't locate this option in my Web.config or anywhere else in the project. Could it be that 'customErrors' is deprecated since I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise 2015?

I meticulously followed deployment guides given by my lecturer which have proven successful for others. Therefore, I am perplexed about where the issue may lie.

During deployment, I checked the "Execute code first migrations" box in the publish web/settings menu in Visual Studio. However, I noticed that there are two databases listed - ApplicationDBContext (defaultConnection) and MyModelContext (created by myself). Unfortunately, the checkbox for ApplicationDBContext was disabled, so I could only select the one for MyModelContext.

In my Web.config, I have two connection strings - one for DefaultConnection containing AspNetUsers tables and another named MyModelContext housing tables related to racing drivers and teams.

If needed, please let me know if I should provide more specific details about my issue.

My setup includes Visual Studio Enterprise 2015, SQL Server 2014, and Windows 10.

EDIT: I encountered the following error when opening the Package Manager Console. While unsure if it's related, I thought it might be helpful to mention.

The type initializer for 'System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState' threw an exception.

Answer №1

Here are some helpful tips for debugging:

If you encounter a consistent issue, consider using remote debugging to connect to your web app and troubleshoot it ().

If remote debugging isn't an option, try enabling enhanced diagnostic logs in the web app settings. Instructions can be found here: under the "Enabling diagnostic logs" section. Consider turning on application logging and failed request tracing (FREB) for more insights.

For additional tools, you can utilize the Support Site Extension () to monitor live event logs and HTTP traffic. To delve deeper into Azure App Service debugging, check out: .

If your issue seems related to database migration, verify the connection by accessing the referenced database using SSMS.

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