Loading screen while all files and audio are being loaded

My JavaScript code is responsible for displaying and playing audio on my website.

Unfortunately, the load time of the page is quite slow. To address this issue, I decided to follow a tutorial on installing a preloader, which can be found at .

Although I managed to get the preloaded image to show up, it disappears long before the entire page finishes loading. I've experimented with using both $(window).load and $(document).ready in my code, but neither approach keeps the preloaded image visible until the JavaScript and audio have finished loading.

Here's a snippet of the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
... (omitted for brevity)

Answer №1

When you make a call to your init() function simultaneous to calling your loader disappearing function

<body onload="init();" 


$(window).load(function() {} / or window.onload = function() {}

essentially mean the same thing but with different names.

It is recommended to remove init() from the onload tag and place it elsewhere in your script, outside of any onload events.

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