Shifting the MUI DataGrid Pagination table to the left with CustomPagination: A step-by-step guide

Hey everyone, I am currently diving into the MUI data grid to gain a better understanding. In order to meet my design requirements for a table view, I have incorporated the DataGrid component from MUI. For pagination, I am utilizing their custom implementation. However, I am facing an issue with manipulating it to change positions since the CustomPagination is being overridden by the root of the DataGrid. I will be sharing the CodeSandbox link for the MUI Custom implementation and what I aim to achieve.

Check out the codesanbox demo here: You can see the search result image here.

I have searched through the documentation but haven't found a solution so far.

Answer №1

Regrettably, passing down an alignment to the footer of the MUI DataGrid is not supported. Therefore, a custom footer must be created and the default ordering of the footer components needs to be rearranged. Below is an example of how your code should look:

DataGrid usage: If you are using a more recent version of the MUI data grid, utilize the slots prop instead of components as it has been deprecated.

      Footer: CustomFooter,

Creating a Custom Footer: Ensure that your custom pagination is positioned at the beginning within the GridFooterContainer. The components will be generated in the HTML from top to bottom, therefore appearing from left-to-right.

const CustomFooter = () => {
    const gridApi = useGridApiContext();
    return (
            <CustomPagination />
                !!gridApi.current.getSelectedRows().size && 
                    <GridSelectedRowCount selectedRowCount={gridApi.current.getSelectedRows().size} />

export default CustomFooter;

I hope this information is helpful for you.

Answer №2

To easily accomplish this, you can swap out the footer with a pagination component. Just keep in mind that by doing this, you will lose the "rows selected" count feature. However, since the free DataGrid doesn't support selecting multiple rows, this shouldn't be a major concern.

If you desire more functionality in your footer, consider creating a custom footer with integrated pagination. This way, you have complete control over what appears on the left and right sides using CSS styles.

    return (
        <Box sx={{ height: 400, width: '100%' }}>
              Footer: CustomPagination,

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