Switch up your code and toggle a class on or off for all elements that share a specific class

I've been attempting to create a functionality where, upon clicking a switch, a specific class gets added to every element that is assigned the class "ChangeColors". Unfortunately, I have encountered some difficulties in achieving this task. The error message received reads:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'add' of undefined


.ChangeColors {
    background-color: #ff801b;

.bluecolor {
    background-color: blue;


function ChangeColors() {
    var single = document.querySelector('.ChangeColors');
    var all = document.querySelectorAll('.ChangeColors');
    if (single.classList.contains('bluecolor')) {
        all.forEach(element => {
    } else {
        all.forEach(element => {

Answer №1

Instead of trying to use .classList on a NodeList, which is the type returned by document.querySelectorAll, make sure to apply it to each individual element within the NodeList.

For a more efficient method, you can utilize classList.toggle to simplify the process without manually toggling each element.

const all = document.querySelectorAll('.ChangeColors');

all.forEach(elem => {

Answer №2

function AdjustShades() {
    var primary = document.querySelector('.AdjustShades');
    var allElements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.AdjustShades')); // convert all items to array
    allElements.forEach(item => { // iterate through each item and apply condition
      if (primary.classList.contains('darkshade')) {
      } else {

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