What is the reason for the .foo a:link, .foo a:visited {} selector taking precedence over the a:hover, a:active {} selector in CSS?

Sample code: http://jsfiddle.net/RuQNP/

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <style type="text/css">
        a:link, a:visited {
            color: blue;

        a:hover, a:active {
            color: red; 

        .foo a:link, .foo a:visited {
            color: green;

        /* A possible fix */
        .foo a:hover, .foo a:active {
            color: red;
    <div class="foo">
        <a href="http://example.com/">Example</a>

Anticipated Outcome:

The link would change to red upon hovering.

Actual Result:

The link changes to green when hovered over.


  1. Why does the color specified in the selector .foo a:link, .foo a:visited override the one in a:hover, a:active? What seems to be happening?
  2. I grasp that I could resolve this by uncommenting the commented code. However, I'm curious about how we can adjust the .foo a:link, .foo a:visited selector so it doesn't take precedence over the color defined in a:hover, a:active?

If my comprehension of http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#specificity is correct (Thanks, BoltClock), here's the specificity table for the different selectors in the code.

a:link         - 0 0 1 1
a:visited      - 0 0 1 1
a:hover        - 0 0 1 1
a:active       - 0 0 1 1
.foo a:link    - 0 0 2 1
.foo a:visited - 0 0 2 1

Therefore, the style set for .foo a:link takes precedence over the style for a:hover when both link and hover pseudo-classes are applied to an A element with the class foo.

Similarly, the style designated for .foo a:visited overrides the style for a:hover when both visited and hover pseudo-classes are applicable to an A element with the class foo.

Answer №1

When you delved into the world of CSS for the first time, you may have come across the mnemonic LoVe-HAte as a guide for the order in which to specify link selectors (a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active). Have you ever pondered why this specific mnemonic was chosen?

There's actually a interesting point made in the specification document about how link and dynamic pseudo-classes are handled when multiple rules with all of them are applied to the same element, which sheds light on the necessity of setting link selectors in that particular sequence:

It's crucial that A:hover comes after A:link and A:visited rules, as failing to do so would result in the 'color' property of the A:hover rule being obscured by cascading rules. Likewise, since A:active follows A:hover, the active color (lime) takes precedence when the user both activates and hovers over the A element.

The main takeaway here is that despite all four pseudo-classes having equal specificity, the last rule prevails among equally specific selectors. The triggering of each pseudo-class is irrelevant in determining the application of styles.

With the introduction of the simple .foo selector, your second set of link/visited rules supersedes the initial set of link/visited styles and the hover/active styles. Consequently, links within elements carrying that class will consistently appear green until additional hover/active styles are specified using the .foo selector.

I apologize if my response seems a bit rushed or disjointed; I'm currently typing this on my iPhone and it's quite challenging to gather my thoughts under these circumstances...

Answer №2

My interpretation is that all these pseudo classes have equal specificity, so the one written last takes precedence. Now, let's explore the functionality of pseudo-classes

:link, :visited, :focus, :hover, :active

a: link{color: red} instructs the user agent to make the anchor element red in any state. Execute the following script:

  a:link {
  color: red;
<a href="www.stackoverflow.com">Go to stackoverflow </a>

The anchor element turns red in the following states only if the link is unvisited,

  • Unvisited
  • Hovered
  • Focused(Tabbed)
  • Active(Clicked)

Therefore, a: link{color: red} directs the user agent to apply a red color to the anchor element in the aforementioned states. Now, let's compare it with the a:hover pseudo-class. Run the following script

a:hover {
  color: red;
<a href="www.stackoverflow.com">Go to stackoverflow </a>

The anchor element turns red when hovered and clicked.

  • Hovered
  • Active(clicked)

We observe that both :link and :hover pseudo classes can affect the hover state -- Therefore, if you assign these two pseudo-classes to the same element, the one mentioned later in the CSS file will take precedence. This principle applies to other pseudo-classes as well. Let's outline the actions of each pseudo class.

a:link {...} defines behaviors for an unvisited link in various states:
- Focused(Tabbed)
- Hovered
- Active(Clicked)

The link state supersedes all other states.

a:visited {...} sets the behavior for visited links in the following states:
- Focused(Tabbed)
- Hovered
- Active(Clicked)

a:visited {...} prevails over all states except :link only when the link has been visited.

Please note that a link may be considered visited or unvisited based on the user agent's cache. For example, a website visited ten days ago might not be stored in the user agent's cache, thus technically remaining categorized as unvisited.

a:focus {...} dictates the behavior for visited and unvisited links in various states:
- Focused(Tabbed)
- Hovered
- Active(Clicked)

a:focus {...} takes priority over :hover and :active states.

a:hover {...} determines the behavior for visited and unvisited links when hovered:
- Hovered
- Active(Clicked)

a:hover {...} supersedes the :active state

a:active {...} specifies the behavior for visited and unvisited links when active:

  • Active(Clicked)

Answer №3

To rectify the issue, ensure that the .foo ... selector is placed first and include !important to the color value for the other link/visited selector. Here's an example:

    a:link, a:visited {
        color: blue;

    a:hover, a:active {
        color: red !important; 
    .foo a:link, .foo a:visited {
        color: green;

The reason why the .foo a:link, .foo a:visited selector takes precedence over the other selector regardless of its position is because .foo a:link has higher specificity than a:link. The same applies for :visited. Therefore, the .foo ... selector will always override the a:link,a:visited selector due to its parent class name, making it more specific.
(For further clarification, refer to @BoltClock's explanation on LoVe - HAte - as it plays a role in this issue.)

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