Arranging Divs with Right Float Alignment

I am running into issues trying to align and float certain divs properly.

Currently, I have two divs with images that are displaying correctly, and now I need to add two more divs with images that behave in the same way.

Even though I attempted to use the same code that worked for the existing divs, the new ones keep positioning themselves within the same container as the other images I am working with.

//Below is the Code.

<div id="products">
        <img src="cbdog.jpg" style="float: left; padding-bottom: 25px;">
    <div id="otherProducts">
    <img src="gelog.jpg" style="float: left;">

The goal is to display these inline, obviously.

So, I attempted the following.

<div id="products">
        <img src="cbdog.jpg" style="float: left; padding-bottom: 25px;">
    <div id="otherProducts">
    <img src="gelog.jpg" style="float: left;">
<div id="cbdGel">
    <img src="gelog.jpg" style="float: left;">

Ultimately, my intention was to replicate the previous layout to achieve a similar result, but the new image keeps getting grouped with the top image in the same div.

Would greatly appreciate any assistance on this matter. Thank you kindly.


Answer №1

If my understanding is correct, you are looking to have two divs positioned next to each other? In that case, you will need to specify a width and position either directly in the HTML using the style="" attribute or in the CSS file.

#featured, #otherfeatured { float:left; width:48%; position:absolute; }

If this is not what you had in mind, please inform me so I can try to assist further.

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