Scrollbars in Jquery are not visible anymore when adjusting the size of a div element, causing them to expand

I'm facing an issue with a layout containing a div that expands to the screen size upon clicking a button. Initially, the div has enough content to necessitate scrolling. However, after collapsing back to its original size, the scroll bar disappears and some content becomes hidden.

What could be causing this unexpected behavior? I attempted to address it by reapplying the overflow auto CSS within the toggle function, but unfortunately, it didn't resolve the problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">

<title>Untitled 2</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    var height = $( window ).height();
    var width = $( window ).width();
    canvasHeight = height - 282;
    $("#mainCanvas").css({"height" : canvasHeight});
    $("#header").css({"min-width" : width});
    $("#mainCanvas").css({"min-width" : width});
    $("#legend").css({"min-width" : width});
    $("#footer").css({"min-width" : width});

    $("#toggle").click(function() {
            if($("#mainCanvas").height() != height) {
                $("#detail").animate({"top" : '0px'});
                $("#toggle").animate({"top" : '0px'});
                $("#mainCanvas").animate({"height": height}, {"queue": false, "duration": 500}).animate({"width": width}, 500);
                $("#toggle").html('<img id="expand" src="img/collapse.png">');
            else {
                $("#mainCanvas").animate({"height": canvasHeight}, {"queue": false, "duration": 500}).animate({"width": '100%'}, 800); 
                $("#detail").animate({"top" : '92px'});
                $("#toggle").animate({"top" : '92px'});
                $("#toggle").html('<img id="expand" src="img/expand.png">');
        }); // End Expand/Collapse


<style type="text/css">
html, body {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
img#expand {
    width: 20px;
    cursor: pointer !important;
    margin-left: 7px;
    margin-top: 2px;

/* Application Details */
div#toggle {
    left: 95%; 
    top: 92px; 
    width: 34px;
    height: 29px;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    background: white;
    padding-top: 5px; 
    position: fixed;




Answer №1

It seems that jquery is changing the overflow css property of the #mainCanvas to hidden for some unknown reason. To temporarily resolve this issue, you can reset it to "auto" within the complete argument of the animate function:

    $("#toggle").click(function() {
            if($("#mainCanvas").height() != height) {
                $("#detail").animate({"top" : '0px'});
                $("#toggle").animate({"top" : '0px'});
                $("#mainCanvas").animate({"height": height}, {"queue": false, "duration": 500}).animate({"width": width}, 500,function() {
                $("#toggle").html('<img id="expand" src="img/collapse.png">');
            else {
                $("#mainCanvas").animate({"height": canvasHeight}, {"queue": false, "duration": 500}).animate({"width": '100%'}, 800,function() {
                $("#detail").animate({"top" : '92px'});
                $("#toggle").animate({"top" : '92px'});
                $("#toggle").html('<img id="expand" src="img/expand.png">');
        }); // End Expand/Collapse

(tested and works in IE 8.0)

Answer №2

just the adjusted otherwise section

otherwise {
        $("#mainCanvas").css('overflow','auto', 'important');
        $("#mainCanvas").animate({"height": canvasHeight}, {"queue": false, "duration": 500}); 
        $("#detail").animate({"top" : '92px'});
        $("#toggle").animate({"top" : '92px'});
        $("#toggle").html('<img id="expand" src="img/expand.png">');      

Interactive JS Fiddle Example

Answer №3

Consider incorporating the following code snippet within your conditional statement:

$("#content p").css({"overflow": 'scroll'});

Explore this example on JSFiddle

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