Using jQuery, selectively reveal and conceal multiple tbody groups by first concealing them, then revealing them based on

My goal is to initially display only the first tbody on page load, followed by showing the remaining tbody sections based on a selection in a dropdown using jQuery.

Please see below for a snippet of the code.

//custom JS to add
$("#choice").change(function() {
  $("#table tbody tr").hide();
  $("#table tbody tr." + $(this).val()).show('fast');
<script src=""></script>
<select id="choice">
  <option value="1Year">1 Year</option>
  <option value="1.25Years">1 Year 3 Months</option>
  <option value="1.5Years">1 Year 6 Months</option>
  <option value="2Years">2 Years</option>


  <tbody id="1Year">

  <tbody id="1.25Years">

  <tbody id="1.5Years">

I aim to display the initial six months of content from the calculator and allow users to view additional years by selecting an option from the dropdown menu.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

  • To start, make sure you are hiding the tbody and not trs

  • Ensure that the ID has no special characters and starts with a letter or underscore for easier jQuery manipulation

  • Since IDs must be unique, direct access is possible

  • An ID on the table is required for #table tbody to work

  • Add a blank value option

  • Selected attribute added to 1year in order to trigger change on load to display only the first tbody

  • t2Years also added to the table

//Custom JS code
$("#choice").on("change",function() {
  if (this.value) $("#t" + this.value).show('fast');
<script src=""></script>
<select id="choice">
  <option value="">Choose...</option>
  <option selected value="1Year">1 Year</option>
  <option value="1_25Years">1 Year 3 Months</option>
  <option value="1_5Years">1 Year 6 Months</option>
  <option value="2Years">2 Years</option>

<table id="table">
      <th>Table header</th>

  <tbody id="t1Year">
      <td>1 year</td>

  <tbody id="t1_25Years">

  <tbody id="t1_5Years">
  <tbody id="t2Years">

Answer №2

--------- CONTENT REMOVED (Not accurate :P) ------

An ID or class cannot begin with a number. For example, 1Year should be modified to Year1. Additionally, you cannot include . in a class or id. Change 1.25Years to Years1-25.

------ CONTENT REMOVED ------

Note about redaction: HTML5 now permits numbers at the start of classes and ids. Periods are also allowed in ids, but remember to escape the period in your CSS. For instance: #1\.25Years

Specific Issue with Code

Your jQuery selector was targeting an element with the id of table rather than the actual table itself. Moreover, instead of selecting a tr with a class matching the selected options value, you should select the id of the tbody. I have made the necessary adjustments to select the table and the id of the tbody correctly.

//Below is our custom JS to add
$("#choice").change(function() {
  $("table tbody").hide();
  $("table tbody#" + $(this).val()).show('fast');
<script src=""></script>
<select id="choice">
  <option value="Year1">1 Year</option>
  <option value="Years1-25">1 Year 3 Months</option>
  <option value="Years1-5">1 Year 6 Months</option>
  <option value="Years2">2 Years</option>

<table id="table">

  <tbody id="Year1">

  <tbody id="Years1-25">

  <tbody id="Years1-5">
  <tbody id="Years2">

Answer №3

I have just found the ultimate solution to the problem stated above. When users access the page, they will encounter a header along with some data rows that will always be visible (grouped under the thead section). Initially, upon loading the page, the selection will default to 'Choose' (resulting in no tbody groups being displayed) and users can expand the data by choosing an option from the dropdown menu at the top. The tbody groups will then appear below the permanent rows.

A huge thank you to all the contributors for their valuable input!

Check out the final code snippet provided below:

// This is the custom JS code we want to include
$("#choice").on("change",function() {
  if (this.value) $("#t" + this.value).show('fast');
<script src=""></script>
<select id="choice">
  <option selected value="">Choose...</option>
  <option value="1Year">1 Year</option>
  <option value="1_25Years">1 Year 3 Months</option>
  <option value="1_5Years">1 Year 6 Months</option>
  <option value="2Years">2 Years</option>

<table id="table">
      <th>Table header</th>
      <td>Permanent row 1</td>
      <td>Permanent row 2</td>

  <tbody id="t1Year">
      <td>1 year</td>

  <tbody id="t1_25Years">

  <tbody id="t1_5Years">
  <tbody id="t2Years">

Answer №4

I have conducted extensive research and devised the following solution.

Review the code snippet below:

//custom JS to be added
$("#choice").change(function() {
  $("table>tbody#" + $(this).val()).show('fast');
    <script src=""></script>
    <select id="choice">
      <option selected value="">Choose...</option>
      <option value="Year1">1 Year</option>
      <option value="Years1-25">1 Year 3 Months</option>
      <option value="Years1-5">1 Year 6 Months</option>
      <option value="Years2">2 Years</option>

    <table id="table">

      <tbody id="Year1">

      <tbody id="Years1-25">

      <tbody id="Years1-5">
      <tbody id="Years2">


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