Adjust the color of a DIV based on the text value retrieved from an external source

I am looking to dynamically change the text color between red and green based on a numeric value received from an external source (API).

If the value is greater than or equal to 50, it should be displayed in red. If it's less than 50, then it should be displayed in green.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?


const api = ",deaths,county,last_update,cases7_per_100k,recovered&returnGeometry=false&outSR=4326&f=json";

fetch(api).then((response) => {
    return response.json();
}).then((json) => {
    const cases = json.features[0].attributes.cases;
    const deaths = json.features[0].attributes.deaths;
    const cases7Per100k = json.features[0].attributes.cases7_per_100k;
    const recovered = json.features[0].attributes.recovered;
    const lastUpdate = json.features[0].attributes.last_update;
    document.getElementById("cases7Per100k").innerHTML = Math.round(cases7Per100k * 10) / 10 || 0;
<p id="cases7Per100k"></p>

Answer №1

If you want to change the color, you can use (Link)

This example demonstrates how to do it:

const api = ",deaths,county,last_update,cases7_per_100k,recovered&returnGeometry=false&outSR=4326&f=json";

fetch(api).then((response) => {
  return response.json();
}).then((json) => {
  const { cases, deaths, cases7_per_100k, recovered, last_update } = json.features[0].attributes;
  const p = document.getElementById("cases7Per100k");
  p.innerHTML = cases7_per_100k.toFixed(1) || 0; = cases7_per_100k > 50 ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00';
<p id="cases7Per100k"></p>

Answer №2

perhaps experimenting with the returned value and applying a style?

const api = ",deaths,county,last_update,cases7_per_100k,recovered&returnGeometry=false&outSR=4326&f=json";

fetch(api).then((response) => {
  return response.json();
}).then((json) => {
  const cases = json.features[0].attributes.cases;
  const deaths = json.features[0].attributes.deaths;
  const cases7Per100k = json.features[0].attributes.cases7_per_100k;
  const recovered = json.features[0].attributes.recovered;
  const lastUpdate = json.features[0].attributes.last_update;
  let test = Math.round(cases7Per100k * 10) / 10 || 0;
  if ( test >= 50 ) {  document.getElementById("cases7Per100k").style.color='green';}
  else {  document.getElementById("cases7Per100k").style.color="red";}
  document.getElementById("cases7Per100k").innerHTML = test;
<p id="cases7Per100k"></p>

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