Changing the color of a pseudo element in Material-UI

I'm having trouble changing the border color of the ::after pseudo element on a standard text field from MUI. I've been unable to figure it out.

<TextField id="standard-basic" label="Email" variant="standard"/>

This is the text field whose border color I want to change. The default color is blue. I have attempted the following:

    const inputProps = {
        style: {
          '&.MuiInput-input::after': {
            borderBottom:"2px solid red"

<TextField id="standard-basic" label="Email" variant="standard" InputProps={inputProps} />

Unfortunately, it did not work!

Answer №1

Consider defining the variable and specifying the color type within the CSS script. This approach may result in a unique outcome. Pay close attention to the placement of semicolons and commas as well. I trust that these suggestions will be beneficial.

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