Styling the background of a container in CSS using Bootstrap

Currently, I am utilizing bootstrap and trying to find an elegant solution for adding a background to my container.

Specifically, I am working with the bootstrap class container, as opposed to container-fluid. The official Bootstrap documentation advises against nesting containers, so I am searching for an alternative method to achieve this objective. When I apply a background to my container, the white margins on the left and right sides remain visible. My goal is to color those spaces while maintaining the alignment of the content in line with the container, not the way it appears with container-fluid. Do you have any recommendations? Currently, my workaround involves nestinng a container within a container-fluid, removing padding from the former, but I want a more compliant solution that adheres to Bootstrap guidelines.

Thank you in advance!


As an example, here is what I had implemented:

<div class="container-fluid my-class">
    <div class="container">
        Some rows and columns here

Then, I would override Bootstrap's padding using CSS

.container-fluid {
    padding-left: 0;
    padding-right: 0;

.my-class {
    background: red;

However, as stated earlier, this approach is not recommended.

Answer №1

According to the Bootstrap documentation, it is advised not to nest containers
within other containers. Therefore, you can simply nest your container div under a new class div called container-bg and apply the background-image to that div like so:


<div class="container-bg">
    <div class="container">
        <!-- your content -->


.container-bg {
    background: xxx;

Answer №2

To apply a background to the entire page, style the body element.

If you only want to set the background for a specific section of the page, enclose that portion within a suitable HTML element (like div or section), and then assign a unique class, id, or another identifier for targeting it with CSS... just avoid using a Bootstrap class for this purpose.

Answer №3

Using Boostrap V4.0 and Beyond

If you're interested in incorporating boostrap colors as backgrounds, take a look at these color options for background usage. Here's an example:

<div class="container bg-dark">
    <!-- your content -->

Answer №4

To easily incorporate a background color into your container, you can apply a custom inline CSS style like so:

<div class="container-fluid my-class style="background-color: green;">
<div class="container">
    Insert your content here

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