Is there a way to horizontally navigate a pallet using Next and Prev buttons?

As someone new to development, I am looking for a way to scroll my question pallet up and down based on the question number when I click next and previous buttons.

In my pallet div, there are over 200 questions which are dynamically generated. However, there may be instances where there are fewer than 200 questions.

Here is a snippet of my code:

Within my next button, I have the following function written:

function next(id) {

if (id >= 40 && id < 79) {
    $(".question-container").animate({scrollTop: 370}, 'fast');
if (id > 80 && id < 119) {
    $(".question-container").animate({scrollTop: 740}, 'fast');
if (id > 120 && id < 159) {
    $(".question-container").animate({scrollTop: 1110}, 'slow');
if (id >= 160 && id < 200) {
    $(".question-container").animate({scrollTop: 1480}, 'slow');
if (id >= 200 && id < 240) {
    $(".question-container").animate({scrollTop: 1850}, 'slow');
if (id >= 240 && id < 300) {
    $(".question-container").animate({scrollTop: 2220}, 'slow');

Can anyone provide assistance with this?

Thank you, Thangavel

Answer №1

If you're looking for a quick fix, one solution could be to utilize the window.scrollTo() method after determining the top position of your desired element.

function scrollToElement(item) {
  var topPosition = document.getElementById(item).offsetTop;
  window.scrollTo(0, topPosition);
p {
  height: 800px;
<button onclick="scrollToElement('one')">Scroll to element</button>
<div id="one">This is the target element</div>

Alternatively, you could consider using a jQuery plugin like "carousel". There are numerous options available online, but if you want to try out my version, it's accessible here:

Answer №2

Utilize the following code snippet:

 window.scrollBy(0, 10);

in your JavaScript to initiate a downward scroll of 10 pixels. Feel free to modify the value to adjust the scrolling distance as needed. For further information, visit this link

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