Iterating through a SASS map and retrieving the next item in the loop

I am working with a color array that looks like this:

$colors: (
  'primary': '#aaa',
  'secondary': '#bbb',
  'color-3': '#ccc',
  'color-4': '#ddd',
  'color-5': '#eee',

My goal is to automate the creation of classes in a loop, similar to this:

@each $col in map-keys($theme-colors){
    &.btn-#{$col} {
      background-color: map-get($theme-colors, $col);
        background-color: map-get($theme-colors, $col + 1); // <= my issue lies here in getting "$col + 1"

The concept is to have a class btn-primary with a primary color background and, on hover, switch to the secondary color as the background.

For the class btn-secondary, it should have a secondary color background and change to color-3 on hover, and so on for other classes.

Any suggestions on how I can achieve this functionality?

Thank you! :)

Answer №1

If you're looking for a solution, check out this link:

By using the map-get-next function provided, you can easily solve your problem.

To get started, simply copy and paste the function into your code (^_^;)

@function map-get-next($map, $key, $fallback: false, $return: value) {
    // Function logic here

Next, define your map like this:

$colors: (
  'primary':   #aaa,
  'secondary': #bbb,
  'color-3':   #ccc,
  'color-4':   #ddd,
  'color-5':   #eee,

Lastly, iterate through the map pairs with an @each loop:

@each $name, $value in $colors{
  .btn-#{$name} {
    background-color: $value;
      background-color: map-get-next($colors, $name, #ffffff); 

After completing these steps, your output will look like this:

.btn-primary {
  background-color: #aaa;
.btn-primary:hover {
  background-color: #bbb;

// More generated CSS goes here...

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