Various results can be produced based on the .load() and .resize() or .scroll() functions despite using the same calculation methods

I'm currently working on developing my own custom lightbox script, but I've hit a roadblock.

For centering the wrapper div, I've utilized position: absolute and specified top / left positions by performing calculations...


_center_vertical = function() {
  return (($(window).height() - wrapper.height()) / 2) - (options.margin + options.border) + $(window).scrollTop()


_center_horizontal = function() {
  return (($(window).width() - wrapper.width()) / 2) - (options.margin + options.border) + $(window).scrollLeft()

The wrapper div is centered upon .load() as well as when $(window).resize() / $(window).scroll() events occur.

However, after loading and appending the image to wrapper, while horizontal centering is accurate, vertical centering is slightly off by around 10px or more.

Whenever the browser window is resized or scrolled, the function is called which animates the centering process using the same functions for calculating top and left. During these events, the image is centered correctly.

I attempted to utilize jQuery deferred.then() in order to compute the top / left post-appending the image, but unfortunately, it didn't yield any changes in the outcome.


Initially, I presumed that the discrepancy in the top position was due to modifications like wrapper padding (i.e., border), yet this assumption turned out to be incorrect.

To investigate further, I inserted

console.log('image load height: ' + ((($(window).height() - wrapper.height()) / 2) - (options.margin + options.border)) + 'px')
within .load() and .scroll(), revealing an unexpected 21px difference regardless of settings. With the default values being a 10px border and 30px margin, the origin of this additional 21 pixels remained elusive.

While reluctantly considering adding + 21 as a workaround, the mystery surrounding the issue remains unsolved by anyone so far.

Answer №1

It seems like the issue lies within the loading div:

    .lbe-loading  {
    background: #578DB2 url(/public/images/loading.gif) no-repeat center center;
    width: 32px;
    height: 32px;
    padding: 5px;

When calculating height: 32 + padding: (5 * 2) = 42

42 / 2 = 21px

It seems that the image is being added with the loading div still attached to the wrapper.



$(function() {

var img = $(new Image());
img.load(function() {
wrapper.append(this)    // .lbe-loading still appended here 
.css({                  // Position wrapper. 

loading.remove();       // This removes it too late. 

If the .append(loading) is removed, the centering works correctly.

To avoid this issue, place .lbe-loading on a different div so it doesn't affect the wrapper's height.

Answer №2

Possible solution:

Make sure to allow the image to load fully before trying to calculate the height of the wrapper element.

For example, instead of immediately calculating the height after using append(this), wait for the browser to display and load the image properly.

During debugging, it was observed that wrapper.height() increased by 40 pixels after the display was resized. This change in height corresponds to the border and margin properties. Adjusting these properties also resulted in changes to the calculated difference.

Answer №3

There seems to be a delay in the wrapper obtaining the height and width of the image. The jQuery script for centering is running before the browser has completed its reflow process and provided 'wrapper' with the necessary dimensions of the image.

I took your fiddle, made some adjustments, and resolved the issue. You can see the updated version here: I set the height and width of the wrapper using JavaScript before executing the centering code. This ensures that the calculation uses accurate data from the JavaScript image object rather than relying on the DOM.

Additionally, I replaced the css statement 'opacity: 0' with .hide(). This change was made because opacity can cause compatibility issues with Internet Explorer, potentially leading to problems later on.


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