Trouble with Z-index on FireFox when using absolute positioning

After reviewing some other questions, it seems that the z-index issue in Firefox is often related to one of the items not being set as position:Absolute.

<div id="AnimatedBanner" style="right:-5px;">
                        <object style="position:absolute; z-index:-1" width=" 1175" height="400" data="images/AnimatedBanner.swf"></object>
                    <div class="banner_text" style="position:absolute; z-index:1;">

Despite setting positions and z-index values correctly, the Animatedbanner still displays on top of the banner_text only in Firefox. Other browsers work fine, leaving me puzzled about what could be causing this issue.

Answer №1

After doing a bit of research, I discovered that the solution involves setting "wmode" to "transparent" in your code. Here is how you should modify it:

<object style="position:absolute; z-index:-1" width="1175" height="400" data="images/AnimatedBanner.swf">
  <param name="wmode" value="transparent">

You can test this out on Firefox using this fiddle:

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