Using the getElementById function in javascript to modify CSS properties

Here is the setup I am working with:

<div id="admin">

This element has the following style applied to it:

display: none;

I am attempting to change the display property when a button is pressed by defining and utilizing the following JavaScript code:

var admin = document.getElementById('admin'); = "block";

Initially, this solution works correctly. However, when I modify admin to admin-panel, as shown below, it stops working and throws an error stating admin is not defined(…).

<div id="admin-panel">
var admin = document.getElementById('admin-panel'); = "block";

If anyone could assist me in understanding why it functions in the first scenario but fails in the second, I would greatly appreciate it.


It appears that moving

var admin = document.getElementById('admin-panel');
inside the show and hide functions resolves the issue. Could this be due to variable scoping challenges as seen in the revised code snippet below?

var adminView = {
  init : function() {
    var admin = document.getElementById('admin-panel');
    this.adminBtn = document.getElementById('admin-toggle');
    this.adminCancel = document.getElementById('admin-cancel');
    this.adminSave = document.getElementById('admin-save');

    this.adminCatName = document.getElementById('admin-cat-name');
    this.adminCatUrl = document.getElementById('admin-cat-url');
    this.adminCatClicks = document.getElementById('admin-cat-clicks');

    this.adminBtn.addEventListener('click', function(){


  render: function() {
    var currentCat = catController.getCurrentCat();
    this.adminCatName.value =;
    this.adminCatClicks.value = currentCat.clickCount;
    this.adminCatUrl.value = currentCat.img;

  show: function() { = "block";

  hide: function() { = "none";


Answer №1

The reason for this issue is that your admin variable is not accessible within the other methods. To resolve this, save it as a property and access it using this:

var adminView = {
  init : function() {
    this.admin = document.getElementById('admin-panel');

  show: function() { = "block";

  hide: function() { = "none";


#admin-panel { display: none; }
<div id="admin-panel">Hello Admin</div>

Answer №2

To grant global access, eliminate the use of var for the admin variable.

Answer №3

Give it a shot!

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="Reveal()" >Reveal</button>
<button onclick="Conceal()" >Conceal</button>
<div id="admin-panel" style="display:none;">
<p>Much appreciated</p>
function Reveal()
function Conceal()

Answer №4

It's working perfectly

<div id="admin-panel">

    var admin = document.getElementById('admin-panel'); = "block";

Link to the code on jsFiddle

Is it possible to see the complete code? I suspect there might be an issue with the variable range.

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