What is the best way to implement CSS styling in the existing Vue.js template?

Currently delving into the world of Vue.js, I've discovered that styling child components is achieved by referencing classes, ids, and tags defined in the component's template. Let's take a look at the App.vue component as an example:

<style lang="css" scoped>
    .app__wrapper {
        width: 90vmin;
        height: 90vmin;
        border-radius: 20px;
        background-color: #eee;

    <MainHeader class="app__header" />
    <ContentWrapper class="app__content-wrapper" />
    <MainFooter class="app__footer" />

I'm now wondering how to apply styles directly to the App component itself. I experimented with two methods, but unfortunately, neither seemed to work:

<!-- App.vue -->

<style lang="css" scoped>
    App {
        background-color: #ccc;

    .page__app {
        background-color: #ccc;

Although I searched for similar queries on StackOverflow, I only found discussions related to different web frameworks.

Thank you in advance :) Wishing you a fantastic week!

Answer №1

The main component in Vue.js is typically App.vue, where the Vue instance mounts using app.mount(#app). In this default setup, <div id="app"> serves as the root element to target.

One key aspect of <style> in Vue.js is that when it's scoped, it only affects CSS within the current component. If it's not scoped, the styling will apply globally across your app.

To target <div id="app">, you can use unscoped styles directly in your App.vue file:

#app {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;

App.vue, being the root component, is typically where global unscoped CSS should be applied. It's generally recommended to keep styles within other components scoped unless there's a specific reason for them not to be.

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