Enhance your webpage design with stylish CSS formatting using Bulma cards

My HTML output is as follows:


It seems that the footer is not matching up with the cards...

The CSS component I am using looks like this:

.card-equal-height {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 100%;

.card-footer {
  margin-top: auto;
  height: 100%;

.card-equal-height.card-footer does not seem to be functioning as expected. I want the footer to align with the order of the cards, regardless of the description length.

Here is the HTML code:

<div [ngClass]="{'card-highlight': product.listItemHovered}" class="card card-equal-height"
      <div class="card-image">
        <figure class="image is-square">
          <img [src]="product.imageURL" alt="{{product.title}}">
      <div class="card-content">
        <p class="title has-text-centered"> {{product.title}}</p>
        <p class="subtitle">{{product.price | currency: "USD"}}</p>
      <div class="card-footer">
        <p class="card-footer-item">
          <button (click)="removeFromCart(product); showRemoved()"
                  class="button is-danger is-outlined is-pulled-left is-small"> Remove
        <p class="card-footer-item">
          <button (click)="addToCart(product);showAdded()"
                  class="button is-outlined is-primary is-pulled-right is-small"> Add to Cart

Answer №1

To adjust the height of the "card-content" without affecting the .card-footer, you can utilize flex-grow property.

.card-content {

For more information on flex properties, visit this link at css-tricks

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