The issue with ng-bind-html causing the disappearance of paragraph spaces

Is there a way to preserve paragraph breaks when using ng-bind-html to display text on the screen? I am having an issue where all the text appears as one big chunk if there are paragraph breaks in the data pulled from the database. Not sure what is causing this, but wondering if there is a CSS solution or something similar that can help with formatting.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-bind-html="selectedItem|unsafe" style="color:red" class="ng-binding">hi worlds: i am malory</div>

Answer №1

It seems like there might be a misunderstanding here. The ng-bind-html is currently applied to a div element instead of a paragraph tag. If you prefer the data to be displayed with the default browser styling and spacing for a paragraph, consider changing the div tags to p tags.

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