Enhancing your grasp on CSS grid columns - mastering columns through float usage

Struggling to grasp the concepts of using http://semantic.gs alongside LESS.js. The documentation provided isn't quite clear, and I haven't delved deep into understanding LESS.js. However, I have gone through the Semantic Grid System website's resources.

From what I gather, there are multiple columns numbered for processing by less.js.

// When defining a column in LESS...
article {

// It gets compiled to...
article {
   display: inline;
   float: left;
   width: 700px;
   margin: 0 10px;

Is it just a matter of changing positions for different columns?

Do you know how to determine which column is suitable for a footer? Should I resort to regular CSS techniques for creating a footer?


Answer №1

Chances are there is a custom LESS Mixin created to define the columns. It might look something like this:

.column(@span: 1) {
        width: 8.33333% * @span;

The @span indicates the number of grid columns each section should span. For example, in a 12 column grid, you would want the footer to span the entire width:

footer {

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