What is the process for implementing custom CSS styles in Cognos?

I've been working on creating Cognos reports and I'm looking to change the overall design of some specific ones (prompt pages and report pages).

Is there a way for me to use different custom CSS files for each individual report?

If that's not an option, how can I include a global custom CSS file along with the standard Cognos CSS for all reports?

Answer №1

Include an HTML element in your report like this:

<link href="http://your.server.com/css/reports.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

This code should be added to the header of your report for styling purposes.

Answer №2

When it comes to styling reports using CSS, there are numerous approaches you can take. While the accepted answer may work, it might not be the most user-friendly for current and future developers. You have the option to easily tweak the existing global styles by either leveraging the existing classes or adding your own. For a more tailored approach on a per-report basis, consider creating local classes within the report itself instead of managing multiple CSS files on the server.

I previously wrote a detailed blog post on this topic (404, blog was removed).

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