The hover effect does not function on an SVG element when it is placed within an external file

I've been experimenting with SVG animation.

My goal is to change the color of a circle when it's hovered over.

<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
 viewBox="0 0 437.1 294.4" style="enable-background:new 0 0 437.1 294.4;" xml:space="preserve">

    <style type="text/css">

        .st0:hover {
            fill: red;


    <g id="Circle">
        <path class="st0" d="M291.3,147.4c0,77-62.4,139.4-139.4,139.4S12.5,224.4,12.5,147.4C12.6,70.4,75,8,151.9,8


Everything works as expected when the svg code is directly in the html file.

However, when I move it into an external svg file and include it using the img tag, the hover effect stops working.

<img class="logo" src="url/logo.svg">

Is there a way to achieve this without embedding the svg code within the html?

Appreciate any help!

Answer №1

It is impossible to achieve using the <img> element. Check out this resource: Styling And Animating SVGs With CSS. Towards the end of the article, there is a comparison table outlining the advantages and disadvantages of different SVG embedding methods (such as img, object, etc.). Here is a snapshot of that table:

|                      | CSS Interactions | CSS Animations | SVG Animations |
|         <img>        |        No        |      Yes*      |       Yes      |
| CSS background image |        No        |      Yes*      |       Yes      |
|       <object>       |       Yes*       |      Yes*      |       Yes      |
|       <iframe>       |       Yes*       |      Yes*      |       Yes      |
|        <embed>       |       Yes*       |      Yes*      |       Yes      |
|    <svg> (inline)    |        Yes       |       Yes      |       Yes      |

*Only applicable if nested within an <svg> element

Answer №2

Inspired by Sean's response, I have crafted this answer to showcase practical applications of utilizing the <svg> element and its capabilities in various contexts.

The key idea to grasp is that the styling and interactivity of the <svg> can differ depending on its context within the document hierarchy, affecting how it responds to top-level style rules and interactive events like :hover.

I recommend exploring the snippet below to witness these concepts in action:

// JavaScript code to embed SVG content
const someSVG = `
<svg width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="">
        .interactive.from-svg {
            fill: red;
            transition: fill 200ms ease;

            animation: 3s infinite alternate changecolor;

        @keyframes changecolor{
            from {
                fill: green;
            to {
                fill: purple;
    <circle class="interactive from-doc" cx="25" cy="25" r="25"></circle>
    <circle class="animated from-doc" cx="75" cy="25" r="25"></circle>
    <circle class="interactive from-svg" cx="25" cy="75" r="25"></circle>
    <circle class="animated from-svg" cx="75" cy="75" r="25"></circle>

// Generating data URI for the SVG
const dataUri = `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${btoa(someSVG)}`;

// Creating image, background, and iframe elements
const imgContainer = document.getElementById("img-container"),
  img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = dataUri;

const backgroundImageContainer = document.getElementById("background-image-container"),
  backgroundImage = document.createElement("div");
backgroundImageContainer.appendChild(backgroundImage); = "128px"; = "128px"; = `url(${dataUri})`;

const iframeContainer = document.getElementById("iframe-container"),
  iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = dataUri;
// CSS code for styling and animations
main {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: space-between;

section {
  flex-basis: 50%;
  flex-grow: 1;
  flex-shrink: 0;

.interactive.from-doc {
  fill: red;
  transition: fill 200ms ease;

.animated.from-doc {
  animation: 3s infinite alternate changecolor;

@keyframes changecolor {
  from {
    fill: green;
  to {
    fill: purple;
} {
  color: green;

li.con {
  color: red;
<h1><code>&lt;svg&gt;</code> Usage Comparison</h1>
  <section id="external">
    <div id="img-container"></div>
    <pre><code>&lt;img src="some.svg"&gt;</code></pre>
      <li class="con">Does not receive <strong>any</strong> style from top level document</li>
      <li class="con">Does not utilize CSS Interactions such as <code>:hover</code></li>
      <li class="pro">Will use CSS Animations if they are defined within the svg element's style</li>
    <div id="background-image-container"></div>
    background-image: url(some.svg);
&lt;div class="rule"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
      <li class="con">Does not receive <strong>any</strong> style from top level document</li>
      <li class="con">Does not utilize CSS Interactions</li>
      <li class="pro">Will use CSS Animations if they are defined within the svg element's style</li>
    <div id="iframe-container"></div>
    <pre><code>&lt;iframe src="some.svg"&gt;</code></pre>
      <li class="con">Does not receive <strong>any</strong> style from top level document</li>
      <li class="pro">Will use CSS Interactions if they are defined within the svg element's style</li>
      <li class="pro">Will use CSS Animations if they are defined within the svg element's style</li>
    <h2>Inline <code>&lt;svg&gt;</code></h2>
    <svg width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="">
                    .interactive.from-svg {
                        fill: red;
                        transition: fill 200ms ease;

                        animation: 3s infinite alternate changecolor;

                    @keyframes changecolor{
                        from {
                            fill: green;
                        to {
                            fill: purple;
                <circle class="interactive from-doc" cx="25" cy="25" r="25"></circle>
                <circle class="animated from-doc" cx="75" cy="25" r="25"></circle>
                <circle class="interactive from-svg" cx="25" cy="75" r="25"></circle>
                <circle class="animated from-svg" cx="75" cy="75" r="25"></circle>
      <li class="pro">Receives <strong>all</strong> style rules from top level document</li>
      <li class="pro">Will use CSS Interactions if they are defined within the svg element's style</li>
      <li class="pro">Will use CSS Animations if they are defined within the svg element's style</li>


<img src="some.svg">
  • Does not inherit styling from the top-level document
  • Does not support CSS interactions like :hover
  • Can utilize CSS animations defined within the SVG itself


.rule {
    background-image: url(some.svg);
<div class="rule"></div>
  • Does not inherit styling from the top-level document
  • Does not support CSS interactions
  • Can utilize CSS animations defined within the SVG itself


<iframe src="some.svg"></iframe>
  • Does not inherit styling from the top-level document
  • Can support CSS interactions and animations defined within the SVG

Inline <svg>

  • Receives all style rules from the top-level document
  • Supports CSS interactions and animations defined within the SVG itself

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