Make sure the division remains fixed even when the window is resized

Having a fixed position and bottom set to 0, I want my div to display at the bottom of the window.

The issue arises when the window is resized, causing the div to move up and into other elements. For instance, when opening the console box in Chrome, the fixed positioned div jumps above other elements like the friend list on Facebook, with hidden parts going off-screen.

I would appreciate any help or suggestions on how to fix this problem with resizing the window while keeping the div in place.

Answer №1

Understanding CSS Position Fixed:

CSS Position Fixed allows you to position an element at a specific location relative to the viewport, ensuring that it remains fixed and does not move when scrolling. This positioning is ideal for creating elements that remain in place even as users navigate through a page. The key difference between fixed and absolute positioning is that the containing block for a fixed element is always the viewport. To learn more about this concept, visit Mozilla MDN.

In simple terms, using position: fixed; removes the element from the normal document flow.

How can I ensure a div remains fixed during window resize?

Solution: Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve the desired effect solely with CSS. When using position: fixed;, setting bottom: 0px; ensures that the element stays anchored to the bottom of the viewport regardless of window size. Removing position: fixed; would be necessary for dynamic resizing based on browser dimensions.

Answer №2

One way to achieve this is by utilizing the CSS property position: fixed or


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