XMLWorker: unable to align cell vertically properly

Upon reviewing this code snippet:

        <td border="1">
        <td border="1">

In this context:

You will encounter the following:

However, upon clicking "transform" to generate the PDF with XMLWorker, the outcome is as follows:

This leads to a query: Is vertical alignment malfunctioning? How can one reposition the second table to align with the top of its parent cell?

Answer №1

Don't forget to specify the vertical alignment for the right cell.

I've customized your HTML code based on table4_css.html:

            <table border="1">
        <td valign="top">
            <table border="1">

You can access the source code for converting this HTML to PDF here. Check out the resulting PDF: html_table_7.pdf

By utilizing the valign attribute, you'll notice that the appropriate adjustment has been made to the right portion.

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