How to position a full-width banner image in the center using CSS without causing scrollbars

I am facing a design challenge with my webpage where the content is 1000px wide. In the middle of this page, I want to showcase an image that is 600px high and 2000px wide.

The tricky part is ensuring that this image remains 600px high, maintains its aspect ratio, and smoothly overflows on both sides if it can't fit within the current browser width while staying centered.

There will be no other elements on top of this image.

I have attempted to place the image outside of a div container (beyond the 1000px limit), but couldn't get it to function properly. When not confined to the container, I achieved success using the following CSS:

.wideimage {
    background: url(../images/wide.jpg) no-repeat center center;

This method works, yet I'd prefer a solution where the image remains within the 1000px container but extends out to the edges of the browser window.

Answer №1

If you want the image to be centered and fall outside the container, try using absolute positioning. Set the left property to 50% and offset the margin by half the width of the image:

.wideimage {

To avoid horizontal scroll bars on the browser, make sure your page is wrapped within a div with overflow:hidden;

Answer №2

In the case where you have multiple images of varying widths and cannot predict the width in advance, you can utilize the timeless "center anything" CSS technique to center the image on your webpage:

.wideimage {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    text-align: center;

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