Ways to create a sequential appearance of elements through CSS animations

Can you help me achieve a wave effect for elements appearing one by one using CSS animation (jQuery)? Currently, all the elements show up at once and I want to create a wave-like motion. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

$(window).scroll(function() {
        $(".wave").each(function() {
          var position = $(this).offset().top;
          var winTop = $(window).scrollTop();
          if (position < winTop + 650) {
.wave {
        visibility: hidden;
      .slide-wave {
        animation: slide-one .4s;
        visibility: visible;
      @keyframes slide-one {
        0% {
          opacity: 0;
          transform: translateY(80%);
        100% {
          opacity: 1;
          transform: translateY(0%);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
      <div class="wave"></div>
      <div class="wave"></div>
      <div class="wave"></div>
      <div class="wave"></div>

Answer №1

In my recent project, I implemented a code snippet to add animation effects like flashing or popping to individual characters within a string. While this may not directly relate to your specific code, I can share the general approach I took in applying animations to a group of elements.

Here's an overview of what I did - firstly, I assigned a unique sequential ID to each character element in the string, similar to an array:

<p id="char-0">S</p>
<p id="char-1">t</p>
<p id="char-2">r</p>
<p id="char-3">i</p>
<p id="char-4">n</p>
<p id="char-5">g</p>

I created a function that takes a string as input and dynamically generates these <p> tags with the sequential IDs. Then, I developed a recursive function to iterate through all the elements, as shown below:

(Continue with the remaining content from the original text)

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