The HTML content retrieved through an ajax service call may appear distorted momentarily until the JavaScript and CSS styles are fully applied

When making a service call using ajax and loading an HTML content on my page, the content includes text, external script calls, and CSS. However, upon loading, the HTML appears distorted for a few seconds before the JS and CSS are applied. Is there a solution to load the HTML with JS and CSS already applied, so it displays correctly immediately?

                type: 'POST',    
                url: service-URL,
                crossDomain : _crossDomain,
                contentType : 'text/plain',
                error:function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
                success: function(outputHTML){

Answer №1

To prevent this issue, a simple solution is to load CSS and JavaScript files in your main document.

If for any reason you do not want to load them before making an AJAX call in the main document (for instance, to speed up the initial page loading), you can utilize a nested AJAX call like the following:

$.get(resource.url, {cache:true}, function(css) {
   // Setting cache: true will utilize browser cache and load it instantly:

          rel: "stylesheet",
          type: "text/css",
          href: resource.url

      // You are now able to make your AJAX call here

Answer №2

When utilizing the html() method or setting innerHTML=, you are essentially inserting raw code directly onto your webpage. This can cause a delay as the interpreter needs to process and understand the code afterwards. Instead of this approach, you can opt to apply the content as a DOM element right from the start. One way to do this is by not passing it as plain text, or by creating a documentFragment using

. This fragment acts like an empty Node where you can add child nodes first, then append the entire fragment to the main DOM tree.

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