What is the best way to eliminate HTML <li> bullets using codebehind?

When working in codebehind, I often create an HTML list using the following method:

HtmlGenericControl list = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   HtmlGenericControl listItem = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
   Label textLabel = new Label();
   textLabel.Text = "Menu"+i;

However, I have encountered an issue where the rendered list displays bullets, which is not the desired outcome.

Answer №1

Implement CSS:

ul {
   list-style-type: none;

Answer №2

In my opinion, the best way to achieve this is by implementing the style property:

list.Style.Add("list-style", "none");

Answer №3

Is it possible to assign an id name to the element like this:

HtmlGenericControl list = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
list.Id = "myId";

Then, you can simply define its style in the css file:

 list-style-type: none;

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