Issue with Internet Explorer 7 causing table to display with added height

Currently investigating why there is additional space being added by IE. The only fixed data is the width of the image (171 px).

Using Jquery, I checked the height of the div in Firefox, Chrome, and Opera which came out to 164px, but in IE 7 it's 172!



IE 7:


<div class='wide-box'>
            <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="171">
                <tr><td height="7"><img src="images/wide-box-header.png" width="100%" alt='' /></td></tr>
                <tr><td class='y-repeat'><img src="images/temp/3.png" alt=''/></td></tr>
                <tr><td height="9"><img src="images/wide-box-footer.png" width="100%" alt='' /></td></tr>
                <tr><td class='shadow'></td></tr>
        </div><!-- WIDE BOX -->



.wide-box .y-repeat img { display:block;margin:0 auto; }
.wide-box .y-repeat { background:url(images/wide-box-y-repeat.png) top left repeat-y; }
.wide-box .shadow { height:10px;background:url(images/wide-box-shadow.png) top center no-repeat; }


    $(".wide-box table").height( $(".wide-box .y-repeat img").height() + 24 );

What is causing this discrepancy with IE? Why does it seem to have a vendetta against me?

Answer №1

After checking in both Chrome and IE9, I have observed the spacing as well. It's difficult to pinpoint without a complete example, but when I included

td img {

I noticed that this code snippet eliminated the spacing issue between rows during testing on my local machine.

Answer №2

Integrate the provided CSS reset script from to achieve more consistent rendering in IE, Chrome, and Firefox.

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