Having trouble removing or adding a class to an HTML element?

I have a collection of three colored buttons. My goal is to allow users to select one button at a time, triggering it to be highlighted while the others are unselected. Each button corresponds to an object with a property called isSelected that can be set to true or false. While I am aware that achieving this functionality with jQuery would be straightforward, I am committed to mastering JavaScript objects.

The snippet below contains what I believe to be the pertinent code segments for troubleshooting, excluding any HTML and CSS components. You can access the complete application on CodePen: http://codepen.io/isachenx/pen/LxEOOR

My approach involves toggling the isSelected property between true and false for each button instance. If the value is true, a css class named .selected should be applied in the generated HTML string; otherwise, the class shouldn't be included. On every click event for a list item element, I aim to re-render the respective part of the string...

// Define a constructor function
function Selector(color) {
  this.color = color;
  this.isSelected = false;

// Methods for selecting/deselecting list items
Selector.prototype.selectColor = function() {
  this.isSelected = true;

Selector.prototype.deselectColor = function() {
  this.isSelected = false;

// Render list item as HTML string
Selector.prototype.toHTML = function() {
  let htmlString = "";
  htmlString += '<li id="' + this.color + '" class="' + this.color;
  if (this.isSelected) {
    htmlString += ' selected';
  htmlString += '"></li>';
  return htmlString;

// Constructor for rendering all list items
function Controls() {
  this.selectors = [];

Controls.prototype.add = function(selector) {

Controls.prototype.renderInElement = function(list) {
  list.innerHTML = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < this.selectors.length; i++) {
    list.innerHTML += this.selectors[i].toHTML();

let controls = new Controls();

let red = new Selector('red');
let blue = new Selector('blue');
let yellow = new Selector('yellow');


let controlElement = document.getElementById('controlButtons');

let redButton = document.getElementById('red');
redButton.onclick = function() {

let blueButton = document.getElementById('blue');
blueButton.onclick = function() {

let yellowButton = document.getElementById('yellow');
yellowButton.onclick = function() {

Answer №1

When looking at your code, it seems that a second click on either button is not functioning properly. This issue arises because the onclick event is only set for the first click.

In your toHTML function, you are clearing the existing buttons (specifically on line 33: list.innerHTML = ''), which consequently clears their onclick events as well. You need to re-set them within the toHTML function.

To address this problem, make the following modifications:

Selector.prototype.toHTML = function(){

  // Set the onclick function for color selection
  let onclickStr = 'setOnClick(\'' + this.colour + '\')';

  let htmlString = ""
  htmlString += '<li id="' + this.colour + '" class="' + this.colour
  if (this.isSelected){
    htmlString += ' selected'

  // Make sure to include the update below
  htmlString += '" onclick="' + onclickStr + '"></li>'
  return htmlString

Then, enclose your xxxbutton.onclick functions with the following:

function setOnClick(color) {
  let redButton = document.getElementById('red')
  let blueButton = document.getElementById('blue')
  let yellowButton = document.getElementById('yellow')
  }else if(color==='blue'){


Answer №2

Modifying the isSelected property to either true or false does not result in any alterations to the class of the DOM element. If you wish to include or exclude a class:

let item = document.querySelector(itemClass);
//or to remove a class

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