Incorporating custom CSS and HTML into the link is essential for enhancing the appearance of KnpMenu

I'm working with the KnpMenuBundle and I need to customize a link that has the route 'uri'=>'#'. How can I achieve this?

The desired link should be styled like this:

<a href="#" class="js-sub-menu-toggle">
        <span class="text">Settlements</span><i class="toggle-icon fa fa-angle-left"></i>

Currently, the link is rendering as:

<a class="asdfasdf" href="#">Settlements</a>

Here's my code snippet:

$menu->addChild($name, $array(
           'uri' => '#'

Thank you!

Answer №1

Consider implementing something similar to the code snippet below:

$menu->addChild('<span class="text">Cities</span><i class="toggle-icon fa fa-angle-left"></i>', array(
    'uri' => '#',
    'class' => 'js-sub-menu-toggle',
    'extras' => array(
        'safe_label' => true

To ensure that your Twig is able to render raw HTML using knp_menu_render( function, you can refer to this related answer:

{{ knp_menu_render('main', {'allow_safe_labels': true}) | raw }}

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