Issue with jquery_ujs: Font Awesome spinning icon animation functions properly in Chrome but not in Safari

I've integrated font-awesome-rails into my Rails project. When a user clicks the submit button on a form:

  • The submit button should display an animated font-awesome spinner and change text to "Submitting...".
  • The button must be disabled to prevent multiple form submissions.

The provided code functions perfectly in Google Chrome:

<%= f.button "Submit", class: "btn btn-success", data: {disable_with: "<i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin'></i> Submitting..."} %>

However, in Safari:

  • The button is disabled successfully.
  • But, the spinner icon doesn't appear and the text remains unchanged.

To demonstrate this issue, I created a small application. You can find the repository here. Try submitting the `blog` form in Chrome and then in Safari to see that the animation only works in Chrome.

I came across this jquery_ujs issue, which offers some complex workarounds but no convenient solution applicable to all scenarios where I want to include this functionality.

This seems to be a browser-related problem. For instance, Safari may avoid certain processing tasks post-form submission to maintain efficiency.

Chris Oliver from GoRails pointed out that executing the following command in the console triggers the desired effect even in Safari:


This proves that the effect works in Safari, but binding it to a form submission button causes issues. I tested this with Safari versions 9.1.2 and 10.0.1, as well as Rails 4.2.6 and Rails 5.

Answer №1

There seems to be a potential quick solution... Take a look at this JSFiddle, which presents an even simpler demonstration of the issue. I have personally experienced a 70% failure rate with page refresh on Safari 10.1.

We can address this by enforcing the use of hardware acceleration with CSS:

form {
  -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
  transform: translateZ(0); 

After applying this fix, the problem disappears.

Note: theoretically, the first line of CSS should suffice to enable hardware acceleration, but in this case, the second line is crucial for resolving the issue...

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