In Javascript, the color can be changed by clicking on an object, and the color

Looking for help with my current HTML code:

<li><a href="index.php" id="1" onclick="document.getElementById('1').style.background = '#8B4513';">Weblog</a></li>

The color changes while clicking, but when the link opens index.php, the color resets to its original. How can I make the color stay the same on a different page?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Answer №1

Based on the provided code, it appears you are attempting to customize an element after a user has interacted with a link.

In this case, Javascript may not be needed. You can achieve this by using the :visited css pseudo-class to modify the element's style.

Here is an example:

a:visited { text-decoration: line-through; }

Answer №2

When working with JavaScript, changes are made on the client-side, which means they occur directly on the user's screen.

In contrast, PHP operates on the server-side. Requests are sent to the server for processing and then the output is displayed.

If your goal is to emphasize the current webpage, using JavaScript might not be the most effective approach.

One suggestion is to incorporate a line of PHP code in each file within the li a-list. For instance:

<?php if ($URL == 'index.php') echo 'class="selected"'; ?>

You can then utilize CSS to style the link with the "selected" class in red color.

Answer №3

It is important to note that an ID cannot begin with a number.

The recommended approach is to identify the active page on the server side and assign it a class such as "selected." Utilize CSS to style it accordingly:

li.selected a
    background: #8B4513;

If you are unsure about implementing PHP to set a selected page, refer to this informative article:

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