Creating a responsive design for a centered image with absolute positioning

I'm trying to align an image at the bottom of a div while also centering it using the following CSS:


<div class="myDiv">
  <img src="" class="imageCenter" />


.myDiv {
  width: 80%;
  height: 200px;
  position: relative; 

.imageCenter {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100px;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -50px;
    bottom: 0;

Now, I would like to make this image responsive by setting its width as a percentage. Is there a way to achieve this?

See JSFiddle here:

Answer №1

If you're looking to enhance your website for modern browsers, you can achieve it by using this technique.

.helloImage {
    left: 50%;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 80%;
    position: absolute;
    transform: translateX(-50%);
    -ms-transform: translateX(-50%);
    -moz-transform: translateX(-50%);
    -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);

For a simpler version, you can try this method without the intricate transforms.

.helloImage {
    left: 10%;
    right: 20%;
    bottom: 0;
    position: absolute;

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