Guide on incorporating `Animate.css` into an Angular application

I've been attempting to implement the bounceInUp animation from animate.css on a div upon showing it, but I can't seem to get it to work. What am I doing wrong?

Can someone guide me on the correct way to achieve this effect?

This is my CSS code: {
  animation: bounceInUp 1s;

And here's my HTML:

<p>Hello {{name}}!</p> <button ng-click="showIt()">Show</button>
    <button ng-click="hideIt()">Hide</button>
    <div ng-if="show" class="showing" >I am displaying something here</div>

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Answer №1

Ensure that you add the animated class along with the showing class


<div ng-if="show" class="animated showing" >I am displaying something here</div>


.showing {
   animation: bounceInUp 1s;


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