Is there a way to use Css Autoprefixer on multiple files at once with a single function

My project built with Angular2 contains over 100 CSS files that do not have any prefixes for browsers like Mozilla or Chrome. I am looking for a tool, gulp task, or anything else that can automatically add prefixes to all of my CSS files.

I attempted to use

However, it did not work for my specific case.

Is there a way to achieve this? If so, how can it be done?

Answer №1

Looking for a solution? Here's how you can do it in your coding environment, such as Visual Studio Code:

To initiate a global search, use Ctrl+Shift+F or click on the magnifying glass icon on the left toolbar.

  • Enable the "search by regex" option (denoted by .*)
  • Input your regex pattern:


  • In the replacement field, consider using something like

    moz-$1: $2;\nsafari-$1: $2;

This will prepend "moz-" to each property matched by the regex.

Keep in mind that adjustments may be needed based on your specific requirements, but the concept remains the same.

AFTER DISCUSSION UPDATE Here is an explanation of the regex pattern :

  • The ^ indicates the start of a line
  • \s* allows for any number of tabs or spaces at the beginning
  • ([a-z-]*) looks for properties with lowercase letters and hyphens
  • : denotes the colon separating property and value
  • [\d\w-()"\s.:=!@]* captures the property value with various characters allowed
  • ; terminates the line (if present)
  • $ signifies the end of the line

By utilizing parentheses in the regex, captured groups are stored as variables ($1, $2), enabling customization in the replace string. Inserting prefixes before properties becomes effortless with this technique!

Answer №2

If you're looking for a simple way to automatically add vendor prefixes to your CSS code, you should check out Autoprefixer in node.js. This handy tool takes care of all your prefixing needs, and can be used directly without needing additional tools like Gulp or Grunt.

To get started with Autoprefixer, simply install it using npm:

npm install -g autoprefixer

Once installed, you can use Autoprefixer on individual files by running the command:

autoprefixer file.css

Or if you have multiple files that need to be processed, you can run the following command:

autoprefixer -d processed *.css 

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