Creating a visual feast: A guide to crafting a stunning image gallery

Is there a way to ensure all the pictures in a table are the same size, orientation, and inline? Currently, my images vary in size and rotation. The CSS I have applied is styling only the first image differently from the rest. Any help is appreciated!


#pics {
    margin-top: 8%;

#pics td {
    height: 100px;
    padding-top: .5em;
    padding-bottom: 5em;

#pics img {
    margin-left: 5%;
    margin-right: 5%;
    height: 90%;
    border: 5px #72dbd4 solid;
    transform: rotate(90deg);
    display: inline;

#cliffPano {
    width: 90%;


<table id="pics">
        <td><img src="blogPics/battleship.JPG" /></td>
        <td><img src="blogPics/PHMemorial.JPG" /></td>
        <td><img src="blogPics/roadToHana.JPG" /></td>
        <td><img src="blogPics/hawaiiTree.jpg" /></td>
        <td><img src="blogPics/hawaiiOcean.JPG" /></td>
        <td><img src="blogPics/planeHawaii.JPG" /></td>
        <td><img id="cliffPano" style="transform: rotate(0deg);"src="blogPics/cliffPano.jpg" /></td>

Answer №1

If you want all images to be uniform in size, consider defining specific pixel dimensions in your CSS:

#gallery img {
    height: 150px;
    width: 100px;

Using CSS transform may not achieve the desired result. It is recommended to manually rotate each image file before implementing them.

Answer №2

If you're looking to improve your skills, consider delving into the world of PHP. By familiarizing yourself with PHP, you can easily generate consistent thumbnail image previews. Take a look at this PHP function for detailed information:

This particular function is part of the PHP GD and image functions library, which is commonly accessible and widely used. Utilizing this tool will allow you to effectively address that issue.

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